It’s my birthday (month), and I’ll read if I want to.
And how I want to.
Three wonderful writers I know and admire have new books out this month – making my birthday wishlist very straightforward… one of each, please!
In 2015 I went to Fiona McIntosh’s commercial fiction masterclass with Lauren Chater. We all knew, from what she read to the group, that her novel would be amazing… and now I get to read it and see! Her debut book, The Lace Weaver, is out now.
Lauren is also the creative genius behind The Well-Read Cookie. Om nom nom! Seriously, check it out.
Anne Gracie is a legend of historical Regency romance and her latest is Marry in Scandal. I loved the first in this series, Marry in Haste, and I can’t wait to see what happens to the wonderful (and infuriating in the case of Aunt Agatha) characters.
Later this month another debut will be finding its way into my eager paws. The Beast’s Heart is Leife Shallcross‘s lush retelling of Beauty and the Beast, from the beast’s perspective. Leife is a fellow CSFG writer, and her book was the only manuscript chosen by Hodderscape in their open submissions process back in 2015 (I posted about the rejection blues for this in May 2016). It’s been a slow road from submission to publication but now (soon) the launch (and the wild rumpus) will happen.
It’s going to be a fabulous month of reading – so bring it on!