And when I read what I’ve written out loud (I so recommend this even if you’re pretty sure it makes you look crazy – just, you know, get a room) it sounds wrong.
I’m now convinced that I need to rewrite it in first person, with the main character telling the story. I have thought this before, and when I came back to it three weeks ago I thought it again. But, I told myself that I’d just finished a manuscript written in first person and I was just being a princess about changing over to third person.
Nope. I’m afraid not.
It’s already so strongly from this character’s point of view that it feels odd not to be in first person.
So, wish me luck in rewriting now, before I go any further, and tell me, have you ever had to change from 1st to 3rd or from 3rd to 1st? Ever discovered your tense was all wrong, or changed your whole manuscript’s point of view?
Go on, make me feel like this is normal, fellow writers.